Dadant-Blatt Polystyrene Hives and accessories
The “La 9 Frame Jolly” hive is 100% made in Quarti Italy. It lasts longer than wooden hives and above all is 100% recyclable!
Let's reduce the exploitation of forests and save nature
optionalpallets for 2 bee hive Art. B15
It can be painted with water-based paints, this reduces external aging,
Giving greater strength and durability to the product.
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Protecting bees from heat and cold - Proteggere le api dal caldo e dal freddo (slides)
A120 - The 9 Frame Jolly
Product Code: A120Based on the experience of over 45 years of production of polystyrene (EPS) hives, here is one of the innovations for 2024 -
- Hive "the Jolly"10 frame, set up with 9 Frame
- External measurements 43.5x50 cm
- Anti-varroa mobile bottom that can be detached from the hive body,
- Sturdy side grip handles, front and rear protrusions for further gripping of the "9 Jolly frames" hive
- Hive walls up to 4 cm thick in high density polystyrene.
- Reinforcement and anti-wear upper edges on 4 sides
- Spacers and propolis collection channel
- 3 interchangeable connection angles and 1 lever rest angle
- Heat-insulating honeycomb cover with built-in 6 liter feeder
- Pre-painted galvanized sheet metal roof.
The “La 9 Frame Jolly” hive is 100% made in Quarti Italy. It lasts longer than wooden hives and above all is 100% recyclable!
Let's reduce the exploitation of forests and save nature
optionalpallets for 2 bee hive Art. B15
It can be painted with water-based paints, this reduces external aging,
Giving greater strength and durability to the product.
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Protecting bees from heat and cold - Proteggere le api dal caldo e dal freddo (slides)
€ 75,00
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